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case histories

Case Histories


Freya. Female adolescent age 14yrs with lumbar curve scoliosis.

03/11/2024 by Angela Donovan.

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Category: case histories
Author: Angela Donovan.



Madeleine Holt, My Scoliosis Story.

03/11/2024 by Madeleine Holt.

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Category: case histories
Author: Madeleine Holt.



Case Study of Morgan Kehrer.

21/07/2024 by Morgan Kehrer.

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Category: case histories
Author: Morgan Kehrer.



Case Study Karen Fielding, Rheumatoid arthritis.

31/12/2022 by Karen Fielding.

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Category: case histories
Author: Karen Fielding.



Millie Dunn, Scoliosis Journey.

11/09/2022 by Millie Dunn.

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Category: case histories
Author: Millie Dunn.



Case History of Kristine Eschedor.

04/07/2022 by Kristine Eschedor.

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Category: case histories
Author: Kristine Eschedor.



Our Families Beautifully Broken Journey With Rare Genetic Diseases.

10/10/2020 by Meagan La Plant.

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Category: case histories
Author: Meagan La Plant.



Major Life Altering Metal Allergies.

05/08/2020 by Cindy Blake, USA.

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Category: case histories
Author: Cindy Blake, USA.



My Journey to My Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Diagnosis.

12/07/2020 by Meagan La Plant.

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Category: case histories
Author: Meagan La Plant.



Case History of Amanda Edwards.

06/07/2020 by Amanda Edwards.

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Category: case histories
Author: Amanda Edwards.



Case History of Emma Green.

06/07/2020 by Emma Green.

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Category: case histories
Author: Emma Green.



The information on this website is not intended to, and does not, in anyway, constitute medical advice. The material is provided for information purposes only. It is based upon the Authors’ personal experiences. Please consult your qualified medical professional.